Sunday, January 14, 2007

This essay explores the possibility of using the process of mapping possibilities through a cosmological system, represented by Ifa, in the manner in which the divinatory process oscillates between specific questions and the metaphysical framework represented by the system in its patterned responses to specific situations and issues[RELATE TO TILLICH’S TECHNIQUE OF CORRELATION AND YOUR PRESENT IDEAS FOR USING THIS IN RELATION TO THE ELA WORK-SEE MODERN THELOGIANS.ED.FORD]

In this essay, we correlate the specific landscapes addressed by Wenger and Maltwood with the particular questions addressed at specific divinatory sessions and the explorations of these questions through reference to the interpretive matrix embodied by the cosmology expressed through the Odu, the organisational categories through which the Ifa system is organised.[SEE OHOMINA ON THE UNIVERSALITY OF IFA-SEE GREEN NOTEBOOK-COPY OUT HIS STATEMENTS WITH THAT OF THE HARVARD GRADUATE WHO WROTE ON RUNES: ON FORM FOLLOWING FUNCTION]

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