Sunday, January 14, 2007

The configurations are first expressed in terms of patterns of straight lines, which are inscribed by the diviner on the divining tray. These patterns correspond to numerical forms, since the total range of possible patterns is organized in terms of a development from a basic to more complex numerical units. The basic numerical unit in which these patterns of lines are organized is the number four which constitutes the basis for the total range of numerical ordering and numerical permutations the system embodies. This basic unit is doubled to realize the number eight.

This number constitutes the first full realization of an integral organizational unit, since the Odu or categories realized through the basic unit of four represents a template for the realisation of other possibilities, prototypes, as it were, the building blocks from which other possibilities could be developed. From this primary integral unity constituted by the first set of eight, known as the first Odu, or organisational category, emerges the next set of eight, which constitutes a mirror image of the first set of eight lines.[EXPLAIN THAT MIRROR IMAGE MEANS HERE;REVERSION BE SURE OF THUS CHARACTERISATION]

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